The World Keeps Turning...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Three Weeks Left

Yup, I'm 37 weeks pregnant today! The bump has definitely gotten bigger, and is making it hard for me to get around. :)

A couple of days ago, Alan took me to the Rotunda Hospital in downtown Dublin (a.k.a. The Bun Factory), to get registered. They deliver 9,000 babies a year there!!! All went well, and as it turns out, the consultant who will oversee the birth happens to be the head doctor for the whole place. That was very reassuring. He took my history, measured me, and gave me a sonogram while I was there. Everything looks good, thank God.

Alan leaves for a one-week trip to Arizona tomorrow, so please God, this baby will wait until he comes back. Not just that, but since I haven't started driving yet, I'll be trying to get to some shops via cabs while he's gone so I can get some things. (If the Bump will let me get out and about that much.)

Irish hospitals have a much different list of what to bring to the hospital than they do in the States. Here, to keep costs down, families are in charge of bringing all their supplies. Not only nightgowns, slippers, and toiletries for your recovery, but old nightgowns, maternity towels, and underwear for the delivery. And sanitary pads, nursing pads, diapers, baby clothes, and everything else you can think of for a three-night stay after the birth.

I hope I can get all that together before the birth. Wish me luck...


  1. Good luck Nicole! What a fun adventure for you!

  2. It's your very own BYOB Birth Party! I can see the Irish invitation now.... "You bring the bib. We'll bring the baby." yuk yuk yuk.
