The World Keeps Turning...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

39 Weeks!

The bump is getting bigger, and it's getting harder and harder to move around. :)
At this time with my last pregnancy, my waters had broken and we were about to go into the hospital to have Connor induced. So, this baby could come any day now...

Alan came home from his trip to Arizona on Saturday afternoon. It is wonderful having him home!! Connor planned a whole party for him with homemade signs, balloons, cream cakes, and party poppers. It was very sweet and heart warming.

Connor's transition into school is getting better everyday. We're meeting some nice children and their parents. Having Connor in a neighborhood school has benefits: I get to meet lots of parents.

We all bring our children to school (many of us are walking there), and we wait with the children in the classroom until the morning bell sounds and their teacher arrives. Then, in the afternoon, we all wait outside the school to pick up our children. It gives me ample opportunity to meet other kids in Connor's class, and if there's anyone Connor has been playing with, I usually can introduce myself to his mom right away. It's been so easy to connect with them. Back in the States, with bussing and car-commuting, I'd say that it takes a lot longer to meet the children and their parents from your child's classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Nicole!!! Love the one of Allan feeding the baby!
    Both Mark and I are thrilled for all of you! Your love for life is contagious!

    We wish you a wonderful life in Ireland! The score now is 2:2... 2 Americans 2 Irish in your family!!


    Patricia & Mark
