The World Keeps Turning...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can Vacation Save You Money?

For sure!

I have been having a great time calling all our "vendors" and putting our services on hold. I've called Comcast, car insurance, Netflix, cell phone, garbage. I think the only thing I'm keeping is electrical and gas services. And even for that, we'll probably turn off our water heater.

And when I add up all the gas we won't be buying, it's so satisfying to see how much we're saving. I think it's almost up to $800!

Once it's all done, I'm going to type up a nice spreadsheet detailing it all. Then I'll show it to Alan. I'm hoping it'll turn on his inner analyst. ;)

Does anyone else have ideas how I can reduce our costs while we're gone?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole,

    Great blog! I look forward to following it when you are traveling - I can't wait to see the pictures! Good ideas on saving money while traveling - makes a lot of sense!

