The World Keeps Turning...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Obama's in Dublin, Part 1

I'm not sure how much coverage there was in the US of Obama's Dublin visit, but it was a huge deal here. There's much to say, but for now, here's some pictures.

(Note the girls' uniforms in the background. These are typical Irish school uniforms for teenagers. They seem to be universally modest in their design, which Alan and I like very much.)

Connor saw these men selling flags and he really wanted on. I thought it was sweet, so I obliged.

My little helper feeding Ronan.

Trying to make our way towards the security checkpoint.
After an hour or so in line, Connor turns to me and says.... (can you guess?)
..."I gotta go potty." :) Of course!! So we managed to get over to the side of the street and go into this restaurant. It was amazing--people were so sweet to let us by.
Here's the view from our seats.

In the end, we didn't have to be in this swarm of people at all. (Which is good because they wouldn't have let us through with the pram (stroller) and our stash of food, anyway.) We had hotel reservations and I was told that we could get there by going around the crowds and down a backstreet alley. Perfect! Those pics coming up in Obama Post 2.

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