The World Keeps Turning...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Surprise, it's Papa!

My dad, Papa, arrived on June 10th just minutes before I had to pick up Connor from school. It was perfect timing!

So Papa walked with me to St. David's to surprise Connor. While we were waiting for Connor to come out, I introduced Dad to some of the wonderful parents I've gotten to know these last months. When Connor came out, he almost didn't see Papa. When he did, though, his smile was absolutely huge! And he launched right into talking about what happened at school. :)

One of the parents I often see is Noel, whose son Luke is in the same class as Connor. After school, Connor and Luke like to run to the corner together since we both start walking home in the same direction.

As Dad, Noel and I were walking Connor and Luke home, Noel stopped to chat with a lady on the street. Her garden was absolutely lovely, full of color and not a weed to be seen. Anyhow, Noel greeted her by name and she was shocked. That's when Noel reminded her that he walked by her house everyday when he was a schoolboy at St. David's, and he used to play with her boys. He even remember their names. "Now I'm back and doing the same thing with my own, can you believe it?" Oh, the smile on the lady's face was absolutely radiant!

After we said goodbye to Noel and Luke, we were on our way home and what was the first thing Connor told Papa? "We saw President Obama!" It was so interesting to me that of all the things to talk about, that's what he chose. Maybe it's because he knew that Nana and Papa were big Obama supporters.

Other fun things from Papa's visit included playing Uno, going to a beautiful park in South Dublin, and for me--the hours of sleep and babysitting he gave me! That was soooo luxurious. Thank you, Papa!!!

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