The World Keeps Turning...

Friday, June 10, 2011


So, everyday I go out and talk to the other parents outside Connor's school, I wonder: do I use terms we say in the States (stroller, shopping cart, sweater)? Or do I used the words more familiar to everyone here (buggy, trolley-I think that's it, jumper)? Would I been seen as an imposter, someone fake? Or would it appreciated? Most likely, it wouldn't be a big deal either way.

In any case, I have been noticing things people often say around here. And they go something like this...

"Ah, go on." When urging you to have another sandwich, cream cake, or other treat.

"Sorry." Used in place of 'excuse me'.

"That's just it." If someone 'gets' what you're talking about. If she's articulated the heart of the matter, you'd say this to her.

"Bye. (pause) Bye. Bye." All of this is practically a requirement before you hang up the phone.

"Ah, sure, but what can you do?" This seems the typical follow-up after discussing tough times. Usually said by the person having the tough times. (Which, by the way, is a lot of people right now. Ireland has a current unemployment rate of 14%.)

"Good girl (boy)." Said to children when they behave properly. I remember when Alan said this to Connor back home. I thought it sounded exactly like how we talk when we're training dogs! Ah, but now I understand. Everyone here says that, it's commonplace. (To which Alan would say, 'That's just it.') :)

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